Friday, February 16, 2007

Cloud Cult / Young Galaxy

Okay, so New York's Mercury Lounge (which happens to be Animal Collective's Panda Bear's favorite venue) is an amazing place to catch a show. With this being said it's obviously going to fall into the hands of the acts playing there to bring forth the full effect of the venue. Over the years many brilliant acts have played this venue, hearts on sleeve and all. But between all the amazing shows and such, if The Mercury Lounge was something you could thank, I would do so. My reasoning would not be because it brings many people happiness and shows off a live act everyday/few days because there are many venues around the world who do so, and then I would have to thank all them as well. It is because they're the sole reason I know about a 6-piece band known as

Cloud Cult

Whenever I want to find out show dates I search all the venues I am within reach of, and usually I find a few shows that I get very stoked about. But, it wasn't until I was browsing

that I came across an up-and-coming act Young Galaxy (who are signed to the ever-promising Arts&Crafts label) that I noticed a band that was playing with them on Sat. April 14th and Sun. April 15th. I had never heard of this band so, I had to check them out. I had never witnessed any hype around them, nor even heard the name "Cloud Cult" get thrown around. But that was exactly what happened me me once I had heard them, I was thrown into a whirlwind of musical brilliance. Once I gained more knowledge on them and noticed that their new album "The Meaning of 8" (revolving aorund an 8 year old deaf-girl) has been noted as one of the best albums, if not the best album of the year, so far, by many "pirates" who have been able to successfully download their new album which is due April 10th.

This is a very special album. "Special" is probably the best word to pin-point this album in terms of depth, efficiency and pure emotion. I don't know another band out today who could put together an album so beautifully, yet so emotionally hip and tragically reocurring*

* Not Including: Page France


(Advice from the Happy Hippopotamus)

(Advice from the Happy Hippopotamus)

(The Meaning of 8)

(Swing Your Heartache 7")

(Swing Your Heartache 7")